Monday, November 22, 2010

'Tot'...A little boy with a fused jaw..

This little 6 year old  Cambodian  boy, whose nickname is 'Tot'  is from  a very remote village in central Cambodia. He was born with a congenitally absent right hand and distal foot.  But his biggest disability was that  he was born with a fused jaw. He can’t talk, smile or eat solid food. His mouth is completely fused shut. The birth attendant pierced a hole in his gum and this boy has survived by drinking through his nose and pouring pureed food thru the small hole in his gum.. He is 6 years old and never seen a doctor.

The boy was discovered by the wonderful NGO  Villlage Health and Commnity Development  founded by Dr Veronica Ventura,  who have been making will soon change as we have made plans to have him escorted to Singapore for surgery.   Rose Charities / Operation FIRST will be coordinating with Dr Ventrua. Careful physiotherapy will be vital in the rehabilitation process and this will be conducted by Joanna Thomson of Rose Rehab Cambodia 

There are approximately 25 known cases of this abnormality world wide.

To help this little boy, please click to  All donations will go totally  to Tots surgery, rehab and recovery. Rose Charities Canada has no administration fees.

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