Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sevenoaks United Reform Church donates to Lalomanu Samoa tsunami reconstruction

A collection organized through the Sevenoaks (Kent,UK) United Reform Church by Ms Fiona Darroch of Rose Charities UK  for Lalomanu Village in Samoa post tsunami reconstruction has been delivered for the work to the WIBDI (Women in Business Development) NGO in Samoa who has been extensively involved in such work since the disaster almost a year ago.   Rose Charities linked with AMDA and WBDI immediately following the catastrophe to assist in providing material and counseling support.   Lalomanu village, situated at the south east corner of Upolu (the main) island of Samoa was the first and probably the worst affected point in the island.  Fiona Darroch and her son Lachlan visited the village in 1994 when Fiona, a recognized expert on Robert Louis Stevenson (who spent his final years living in Samoa and is buried there) was carrying out research for an article on Stevenson for the Sunday Times.Many of the friends she made there at the time perished.
The tsunami hit without warning at around 7am in October 2009 causing extensive damage and loss of life. Reconstruction still continues.
Fiona Darroch is founder and CEO of the Legal Advocacy organiztion, Protimos

Ms Adi (Co founder of WIBDI) and Ms Fuimaono Rosalia Me (from Lalomanu)  at the WIBDI Office in Apia, Samoa.  WIBDI has and continues extensive reconstruction work for Lalomanu and other tsunami damaged areas. Ms Fuimaono tragically lost many mambers of her family in the disaster

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Rose Madagascar - Welcome back to School - October 2010

Welcome back Rose Madagascar students! Tomorrow, October 7th, marks the first day of the new school year for students at Mahatsara school in Tsarahonenana, Madagascar. This year there will be 270 bright eyed students attending Mahatsara - a significant leap from the 43 students we started with just four years ago. The students will be welcomed back by a passionate team of local teachers, administrators and parents who are excited to support the students on their learning journey. Students will also enjoy the benefits of a new well which will improve both the quality and supply of water available to the school.

Many thanks to all of our supporters (both in funds and in spirit). The first day of each school symbolizes a new year of hope in improving rural education in Madagascar and in supporting children to achieve their best. We are so proud of all the Mahatsara students, parents and teachers and look forward to another excellent year of learning.

Cheryl-Anne Pine Rose Charities Madagascar