Thursday, October 27, 2011

Generous donation buys suction machine for Haitian Neonatal team

One of most critical actions to ensure the survival of a newborn baby is to make sure her airway is clear.  This is carried out  with specialized suction apparatus.   Statistics show that there is no action more important for a baby who has had a difficult birth to live;  it is the 'A' (for airway) that is first in the 'ABC' of emergency assessment that every health profesional has as the very base of their knowledge

It thus came as a wonderful surprise that  recent generaous donation was recieved by Rose Charities Canada for its Haiti Neonatal Resucitation Teaching team to take with them to Haiti in early November.  There is no question that this will save lives when HBB ('Helping babies breathe') professionals that they will over the next months get to work !

Monday, October 24, 2011

AMDA HQ medical team leaves for Turkish earthquake relief

An AMDA medical team has left Japan to assist with the earthquake in eastern Turkey.  Taking provisions and experienced medical personnel the team will travel directly to the affected area.The Osaka-Turkish Association is also assisting\

AMDA's history of sending of assisting disasters with  international emergency medical  relief teams is considerable.  Earlier this year, and continuing to this day it was one of the main organizations assisting with the Japan, Tohoku earthquake and tsunami disaster

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Eye clinic cooperation; Rose Charities Penang, Malaysia, and St. Nicholas Home Penang

Rose Charities Malaysia and St Nicholas Home are shortly to open joint eye clinic services in Penang. St Nicholas Home is a distinguished charity establishment with a long history of aid to the poor of the area.  Rose Charities has several eye programs, internationally through its organizations in Cambodia, New Zealand, Vietnam and Canada.  In Cambodia, Rose Charities has treated over 100,000 patients with eye problems in its Phnom Penh Sight Centre

Help to the elderly caught in the Thai flood disaster

Thai floods update:   Rose Charities Malaysia, joining with Rose Charities Singapore, HelpAge, Thailand and the Thai Elderly Association to plan further joint flood relief specifically for the elderly victims of the flood areas.  Mr Lawrence Cheah of Rose Charities Malaysia, and also Rose Charities International Council Chair, has initiated this joint initiative through his networking contacts.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Students signed on for Haiti Neonatal Resuscitation (NRP) and HBB (Helping Babies Breathe) Program

The first nurses and doctors have signed on for the Rose Charities Haiti Neonatal Resuscitation (NRP) and  HBB (Helping Babies Breathe)  training Program. Supplies for the hosptials in Port au Prince and Jeremie are being collected ready for transportation. The teaching team will depart in three weeks time

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Rose NZ buys 'Keller' portable slip lamp for Rose Charities Cambodia

Rose Charities New Zealand had purchased a new 'Keller' portable slit lamp for Rose Charities Sight Centre, Cambodia.  Mr Mike Webber (Wanganui, NZ)  who has provided huge support of the Sight Centre over the years, both with his optometry expertise as well as material input and networking was instrumental in making the donation. The slit lamp will upgrade the Sight Centres outreach services.

In December of this year (2012), Mike will  be travelling together with fellow optometrist and supporter of the Sight Centre, Mr John Veale (Christchurch NZ) to provice Rose Charities assistance  with an large rural optometry screening program organised by the 'Village Health Development Organization'